Saturday, April 28, 2007

Shibaura Institute of Technology

Global Issues 1


This is a video from KUNGZOO ENGLISH produced by an English teacher in Korea. The video shows Korean learners of English talking about their values.



  1. To Mr Stout,
    I'm pleased to see the link to my video ^^
    I think you have a good site, but at present, I think it is perhaps a resource more beneficial to your own particular students rather than to a wider audience of learners. For example, you have quite an eclectic mix of posts, but if you could perhaps compile extra links and resources to develop the content in an instructional way, I think it could be better.
    Not a criticism. Just my thoughts.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hello scholar,
    Thank you for your comment and suggestion. I'll do my best to make this blog more accessible to a wider audience of learners.
