Friday, November 25, 2011

応用英吾1-2B Short Story Project Part 2

Good morning everyone!
Today we are going to continue working on our Short Story Project. First let's study some vocabulary.
Now let's read another story written by a Togaku student. After you read the story, write 2 questions about the story with your partner.
Next, draw a picture of a scene from this story.

 Takaaki's Story
One morning, Kazuo Yokota got up and ate breakfast, and then he went out for a walk with his dog Oto-san. Yokota’s favourite pastime was going for a walk with his dog. They went to a nearby park, the vegetable store, and the local shopping area. Along the way, Yokota dropped in to the doughnuts store. Actually his favourite food was doughnuts, and he was worried about gaining weight because he eats doughnuts too much, but he loved doughnuts, so he bought a lot of doughnuts and started to eat. His dog Oto-san waited for his master until he finished eating the doughnuts. An hour later “Oto-san” said,

 “Hey Yokota, lets continue our walk”
Yokota ignored him, so he got angry and left. When Yokota finished eating a lot of doughnuts, he noticed that his dog was gone and he thought maybe Oto-san might have got angry and left the store because he was eating a lot of doughnuts for long time.
Yokota searched around the doughnut store, the local shopping area, the vegetable store, and the nearby park and his home. Yokota asked the people at the stores and members of his family if they knew where Oto-san was, but Yokota couldn’t find his dog, Yokota was weak and tired and sat on the bench in the park, and then his cell-phone rang and he answered it. It was Ellie who was his friend She said,
“Oto-san  is at our police station. I think you should come here now because he is angry.”
Yokota ran to the police station and found Oto-san. Yokota got chewed out by Oto-san for 3 hours. After that they went home.

 Now please look at the corrections and rewrite your stories. Your second draft is due next Thursday.

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